The weather in this country is something over the usual.. for a few days ago it was under the freezing point outside and today it has been like a normal swedish summer day.. like 20 degrees and blue sky.. the day started with some small fixing.. i had to fix something with my visa to be able to go to jamaica and then we mailed in some paper and Haleigh took me to lunch.. I was supposed to do homework untill my class started at 4.30 but it took like 20 min to fix so i went home and took the first bike ride for the year.. still strong =D
And with all Semlor and crepes we had yesterday i probably needed to do it as well =D
later today it's climbing and gym and then some wii or something cool! probably wii since i'm totaly hooked on it!
The plans for this summer looks good too.. the only question is if i need to get married to be able to stay here.. =D puh!
2 kommentarer:
Hey!... Jag måste få veta om du får jobb där i sommar så jag kan planera min semester och komma över till dig!... Och du, gift dig inte förrän jag har godkänt kvinnan!
rätt troligt att ja blir kvar
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