måndag, januari 29, 2007


Smart guy yesbox! Got a letter yesterday from OU saying that i'm on the "University College Dean's Honor Roll" which just means that i'm smart! i don't know exactly how it works but i think it's like you have to have over a certain avarage in your grades..

So far this morning has been spent on watching simpsons, american dad and Family guy..
and now i'm gonna play some AoE III =D sweet mondays!

Finding nemo

After a weekend full of trouble i'm back in super cold norman again.. It all started when we got a flat tire in the north parts of dallas, but since i'm a smart guy i have a spare tire which just by luck was in good shape since i never even looked at it before.. So it only took like 15 min to fix! Handy man...

When we finally got down to galveston and the hotel they had overbooked so we got to live in another hotel which they paid for the first night and then we got a vip room for the second night for half the price of a normal room so it wasn't that bad anyway =D vip means that you need your key in the elevator to be able to get to the right floor and then you get some kind of fruit/cheeze plate with krackers in the afternoon and breakfast to the room in the morning.. =D
And we did some really cool stuff down there too, like went to a huge aquarium and a fake rainforest with a lot of animals and stuff in..
one thing is for surem i'm gonna go snorkling when we get to jamaica, they had a carribian part in the aquarium and they have tons of cool stuff down there =D

We went to some cool resturants too, one where they had like jungle inside and the biggest dessert i ever had.. we both wate from it and didn't finish it.. brownies and ice cream... Mmm the other place was a sea food place where everything was fresh, it was ok.. i can say i'm not that big of a fan to shrimps except on bread with mayonnaise!

The rest of the time was spent in a jucuzzi or simular.. they even had one with a big waterfall =D
And on the way back we made a stop in girls heaven.. the most expencive mall i ever been to.. but the cool thing is that we saw Dennis Rodman in Barneys, he is probably the only basketball player i could ever recognize! the rest of that mall was full of chanell and that kind of stuff so it wasn't that interesting.. normal price for a t-shirt.. probably like 160 dollar =D so in a few years i'll be back =D

fredag, januari 26, 2007

Viva la Texas

Oh yes! just need to finish my breakfast and then it's just a small drive down to texas..! a little happy birthday weekend =D
And a col thing is that my car turns 100 000 miles during this trip.. or in 48 miles to be exact!
Be back on monday again!

och ja, jag vet min layout e proffsig! men tack ändå jesper =D

onsdag, januari 24, 2007

Game day

Erwin gave me a present yesterday too.. i went to his place after my class to give him some cake and got Age of Empires III so we will have something to do when we are bored.. the only problem is that he is gonna kick my ass since i never played this game before =D

I'm half dead right now too.. this is an early morning.. puh!

tisdag, januari 23, 2007

today is the day

Yep! just got back from the hospital after a vacination shot..! I have to say it's sucks to not be in sweden during my birthday.. i only got one present so far which is the blue hood i got from Haleigh which i'm wearing right now.. I got a birthday card from julie and Jepser fix the photo above a bit too but that's it =D
Well, on my way to go bowling now..


One year closer to get retired.. now i can finally admit that i'm 23! puh, closer to 25 then to 20! maybe i should have a early midlife crisis and sell the mommy car and buy a sports car =D i would love that for sure!
Time for the bed now.. got to get up early tomorrow for a vaccine shot!


Now it's done.. the trip is booked! so i'm going to Jamaica for spring break.. so far it's only me and Haleigh and i don't know what the other guys are gonna do.. I just know that i'm not in the mood for mexico since I alredy been to Kos which was a 100 % party trip and noe i can go down to 55 % party trip instead =D
And by going here i get a new continent adn a new country so this is good =D then i only need to visit australia and the world is done =D

Anyway.. another cool thing is that seans thinks i'm 23 years old now but he is wrong since it's not the 23 of januar yet.. or i am 23 in florida right now but only 22 here =D still young!

måndag, januari 22, 2007


Yesbox.. i just have to find out if Viktor and kristoffer are gonna go with us or not and then i can book our trip.. 7 days in jamaica sound okey for me =D

Ihave had my first study session for this semester to, in facilities planning.. and soon i have to go to school for todays class.. early morning! starts at 16:30.. puh!

söndag, januari 21, 2007


Oh yes, this is how happy all we boys where last friday..:
I fixed a preparty before panam since it's soon my birtday so i didn't need to have a whole night party! the good thing is that it was really good too! All my nice friends to actually was fun enough so the friends Haleigh took with her wants to come back =D so now we need to fix more parties too.. puh!
All the happy sorority girls..:

The rest of the week has been good to.. my new classes seem pretty fun and i'll probably need to spend way much more time on school work this semester compared to the last one.. It seems like thursdays is the new party night for this semester too.. we are all free on fridays so the weekend starts way much earlier now then it did last year =D it's perfect, we can go on short roadtrips when ever we
want.. other new stuff is that i had one of my top three meals in the US yesterday.. me and Haleigh went to the cheesecake factory in okc, my chicken with mashed potatoes and stuff was like conditioner for my brain.. =D

Been plannig spring break a bit too.. seems like i'm gonna do jamica by night for a week =D sounds sweet!

tisdag, januari 16, 2007

Back to school

Ta en tipp på bilden ovan å se vad som inte riktigt stämmer... sen läser du de längst ner..

Har det hårda livet börjat igen då.. har precis haft en lektion i ingengörsekonomi eller nått i den stilen och ska snart ha ett tretimmarspass i hur man ska bygga sina lokaler å vart.. blev lite bokköp idag å.. närmare bestämt för 368 dollar.. inte mycke de men då behövde jag bara tre böcker å!

Jojo, de e så att niclas har blivit vuxen nu å ska skaffa glasögon, frågan e om de beror på skidsnokar i ögonen eller bara mogenhet..? hur som helst blir de nog bra iaf! mer skola strax.. ska bara trycka i mej en till whole grain bar =D Posted by Picasa

måndag, januari 15, 2007

Ice storm

Mmm.. folk hemma klagar lite slött på vädret men de har inte en aning om vad de pratar om! skulle ta johan till flygplatsen i oklahoma city i söndags... (den flygplats som vart stängd sen i fredags) Vi vr tvugna å stanna tre gånger på vägen dit för att skrapa bort is från rutorna då det regnade is och åskade samtidigt...!? hur som helt har jag iaf ännu ett bevis på att amerikaner e snälla.. sista gången vi stannade stannade även en till bil framför oss och när johan skrapade rutorna kom de två karlar från den andra bilen å började skrapa åt oss också och sen började den ena gubben spruta på nån form av antifrys sprej på rutan å.. fick iaf behålla burken när han var klar =D
blev även en tur tillbaka till flygplatsen för att hämta upp victor på kvällen, de hela slutade i att vi hamnade på texas roadhouse och jag tuggade i mej tre härligt blodiga file bitar..!

Lördagen spenderades bla på ett house party där johan fick lära sig det fina spelet beer pong och sen se hur bra man har de som svensk i staterna då det innnebär att man har ungefär 7 poäng extra på en 1 till 10 stege =D
Annars var han rätt het på keggen också =D själv var man lugn å sansad då man körde bil!

Idag har de vart tacos bjudning i M305, dvs min lägenhet.. spanade förbi lite nytt folk, har förresten också fått mej en scotte till room mate, trevlig karl och han blir säkert trevligare då man börjar förstå allt han säger! annars var de vi vanliga, vicotr kristoffer erwin johan jag osv..

Nu ska jag huga in i en härligt fin chokladkaka vid namn "Better then sex".. kan inte riktigt stå för det påståendet men iaf... god e den! Posted by Picasa

fredag, januari 12, 2007

Home sweet home

The wierdest thing is that i'm living south of spain i have have the same weather as in sweden right now.. makes me to miss Florida and 30 degrees outside a bit... Well, I'm supposed to pick up Victor at the airport tonight too.. but if the weather stays like this it's gonna be hard.. They are saying it's gonna be a ice storm here this weekend! so maybe johan will be stuck here for a while aswell.. It's not that fun to drive with summer tires on pure ice...

By the way, it was 20 degrees outside yesterday too... oklahoma is fenomenal Posted by Picasa

torsdag, januari 11, 2007

underwater stuff

Just got back from a trip to walmart which ended up in some new photos.. and me 111 dollar less rich! But i got all the photos from my underwater camera so just enjoy!
I have also changed the air filter in my car so i'm a bit proud of myself.. first time i ever fixed something on a car =D

Back in norman

I think i had a record of driving yesterday, went from Atlanta to norman with just two stops for food and gas stops.. it was 860 miles so 1376 km..

Other stuff that has happen since i updatet the last time here is thet we went to universial studios, or we went to Adventure Island and went in some really cool rollercoasters! after that we went to eat with some of seans friends who we really tricked.. or sean did and we didn't say anything.. Let's just say that I was erwins boyfriend and when they found out one of them started acting a bit strange =D

The last day in florida was spent on the beach and just on it.. the waves where to small for surfing and it was to cold for swimming.. so after a while we just left for the drive to atlanta!

Back in norman now i kind of regret we didn't stay longer in florida.. it's shitty cold here! lucky me, my birthday is pretty soon so i get to go a short weekend in two weeks to the south of texas so it better be warm there! we gonna live at some kind of beach hotel who has pools and stuff every where =D

And yep! take a look at my little tan..! so good ;) Posted by Picasa

söndag, januari 07, 2007


When the greenhouse effect has destroyed the skiing i'll for sure become a surfer.. it's really fun! Been surfing both today and yesterday.. We went to Kennedy space center this morning too.. a bit boring place, it feels like if you can read everything we saw there in Illustrerad vetenskap.. the only cool thing was to see a real moon rocket..
Now we gonna go out and eat some, sean says that they have the worlds best pizzas here and i need to taste that! even when i doubt it's true.. who can beat a gyrospizza from Neptun in norrköping?
Tomorrow we gonna go to Univerial studios too.. nice!

i had to take a photo of seans car to.. almost as sporty as mine! Posted by Picasa

torsdag, januari 04, 2007

Some more stuff

Finally living in a good hotel with real internet so i have updatet picasa with some new photos! http://picasaweb.google.com/hanek082

Sitting in Tampa after driving through the Everglades today and then spent the afternoon on the beach!
Tomorrow we gonna drop of Erwins french friend which name i can't spell at the airport and then drive to Orlando to meet up with sean for a few days! =D Nice....

Everglades and Key west

Yes, this is the first time I,ve had internet since last year almost! So i havn't been able to udate the blog.. But right now we are in the Everglades at a motel or something, Vandrarhem.., where we shared the room with two oter people, the wierdest thing is that it's only 15 dollars cheaper for all four of us to live here then in a real motel so bad choise.. =D
The New Year was spent in Miami Beach which was really cool! we met up with a Swedish girl Eva, her boyfriend Axel and an american guy they met randomly namend jeff! tha new year was celebrated next to the beach and then we started looking for a night club! we ended up in a really cool one which ahad their own fake beach and stuff.. on 40 dollars to enter.. the night ended at 6 am when a surfer gave me a ride back home to the hotel.. =D

The day after we went to key west! and did some kayaking.. it was pretty cool and fun.. then we went to key west for some dinner and booked a snorkling tour for the next day, smart thing to do! the resturant was one of the best i've been to, the food was super and pretty cheap too.. i think we paid like 18 dollar for the food per person.. And i got to taste Dolphin!

The first half of the second of januar was spend on a katamaran out snorkling.. the reef wasn't that good, not like thailand.. but definatly good enough! and me and Erwin saw a shark.. or we swimmed next to it.. Hopefully my underwater camera got some cool photos!
After this we went back to the same resturant as the day before and had a great unch =D and then we went to the beach to just take it easy for a while..

Yesterday we took the car up noth to everglades again.. here we went to a aligator farm and went out with a airboat.. they where ok but a bit to amrican with all the hurray and stuff.. puh!

Now we gonna go back into the Everglades and see some more and soon we'll be in Orlando visiting sean banan!